Covid picks....My crazy summer in Melbourne, Australia

So, I hit a block on things to watch. Later on, I'm going back to the Italians in the 70's, Germany, French New Wave, but for now....I'm all about Australia. Melbourne, in fact. I am obsessed. I'm watching everything shot in and around Melbourne. I'm crazy for it. The characters, the writers, the directors and production. 

First off, I can't vacation myself, even to go to Galveston or North Padre due to the animals here in my rescue. But, I can dream and I can stream. I've watched so much. Lets start with Offspring. Offspring is a series about an obstetrician in a Melbourne Hospital, Nina Proudman played by Asher Keddie. Her obsession is delivering babies and taking care of her unusual family. It's a story most relevant to these times. I'm not a big baby person, but you can't help but get yourself caught up in the joy of life watching Nina and her team of friends bringing these babies into the world. It's really magical.

Some of my favorites characters are her sister, Billie portrayed by Kat Stewart. She is always wound up about something and so believable. Billie could be from Texas and that's another thing I love about Melbourne productions. They are so from Texas.

Smaller parts introduced characters I see in other Melbourne productions, like Dan

Wyllie. He's one of my faves. You'll see him cropping up in some other shows I've been streaming. Usually, he can be seen spending his off time surfing and doing his own stunts. You get the idea he picks his jobs so he can spend some time in the water.

Since I can't go visiting these far off places, I can get the feeling like I'm there with these people enjoying their adventures. In a weird way, the Melbourne-shot productions have the feel of Eric Rohmer films which I love. Something that takes you out of your everyday un-newsworthy news and into a wild experience with odd and happily different characters. And the scenery. Offspring gives you a real feel for the city of Melbourne, as if you are walking along those streets yourself.

Offspring is available to stream and binge on Netflix and Hulu.



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