Covid Lockdown pick...Get Shorty right now!

Get Shorty, the Epix series has filmed three seasons for your viewing pleasure. It takes off from the movie and plays it true to Elmore Leonard's writing. Elmore has some of the best writing out there and best writing advice. Like leaving out the parts that readers tend to skip and if it sounds like writing, rewrite. In other words, Elmore was the man! It's Fuck You I'm From Austin Film Talk's humble opinion that Elmore would have popped a top and kicked it to this wonderful series.

FYIFAFF is going to skip to the meat of the thing, although the storytelling is phenomenal. We love characters and Get Shorty delivers. Ray Romano who most people know from Everybody Loves Raymond kills it. Literally. He plays Rick Moreweather, a washed up much less successful version of Russ Meyer or Roger Corman Hollywood producer who just can't catch a break. Two fun things about Rick. His dad is a successful 'autuer' of the Oscar calibur deliciously played by Peter Bogdanovich.


Other fun thing about Rick...he falls for this extremely precious character Amara, who runs a cartel out of Reno and the team taps to fund their film. Amara is played by Lidia Porto.


Another and probably FYIFAFT's fave is Louis. He delivers and delivers and delivers...imagine a hit man working in a slick talent agency, HA! Louis is played by Sean Bridgers.


These characters are the stuff of dreams. I could literally sit here all day and post stuff about the series and terrific dramatis personae, but like ya'll, I got other things to do. Like try and come up with my own crazed personalities. Praying to the god of Elmore, help a girl out! Anyway, five big huge FYIFAFT fuck you's for Get Shorty. Can't wait for season four!!!


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