Jules, the Truth Finder will be a great film

Jules Laverne Johnson - Nicole Kidman
Jules, the Truth Finder is an east-Tex soft-core porn story of obsessive love and the afterlife. Writing the third draft now and will be finished and ready to publish around March 1. Jules, the Truth Finder will have a one month .99 cent promo for other twin flame and afterlife fetishers out there. 

Christian Bale - Sam Townes Henry
The entire book has been cast with great actors who inspired some of these unforgettable characters. Like Jules Laverne Johnson, daughter of the town whore who cannot forget the great love of her life, Sam Henry. 

Jules finds out Sam has died and suspects foul play. She sets out to find answers and picks up Nellie, a clairvoyant Border Collie outside Waco.

They hit the road and meet all kinds of sidewinders and curiouser and curiouser along the road from Fort Worth to Beaumont, Galveston to Telephone Road in Houston.

Austin, Junction, El Paso, Las Cruces, Phoenix to La Jolla ... they make a trip to the outer limits and beyond hot on the trail of witches and succubi, evil demons and true love.

Keep checking Jules, the Truth Finder Facebook page for updates like the incredible songs and playlist that inspired this long, strange trip ...

Jules, the Truth Finder playlist

Juliette Lewis - Paris Johnson, Jules mother and the town whore

Meryl Streep - Bay Ann Mahar PhD. Sam's widow a.k.a. Succubus name - Astrid

Jeremy Irons as evil Darius Mahar, Bay Ann's ex-husband and business partner co-owner of Modern Love sex shop




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