Charlton Heston, a Teenage Lament
To a Gun Toting Man a poem by Cindy Marabito I fell in love with you the first time I saw you I was living behind Mrs. Lombardo’s house on Hazel Street and my mother and I watched you in The President’s Lady with Susan Hayward. You played the part of Andy Jackson and you were in love with a scorned woman. We stayed up late and I was lost in your Mount Rushmore chin your massive Cro-Magnon jaw structure that belongs on a large mountain of its own jutting itself out to all those liberal disbelievers who don’t know you like I know you. They’ve never seen you turn against everybody in the whole United States and risk bigamy for the woman you love. They’ve never seen you in that movie stars at home book lying nude in a clear lucite hammock with a very large grin and a magazine. I love you Moses even though that’s sacrilegious to lust for the leader of the Jews who led them into the desert and who parted the Red Sea for Cecil B. deMille. Who was cast for the part because he looke...